At the Humane Society of Garland County (HSGC), we cherish our animal companions for their unconditional affection and acceptance. We act out of a sense of social responsibility to nurture and find good homes for abandoned and abused animals, because, unfortunately, some pet owners mistreat their animals or leave them altogether. That’s where our work is most valuable.
The HSGC makes a difference in the lives of animals in Hot Springs and throughout Arkansas. Our board, staff, volunteers, and supporters are dedicated to building an environment in which human relationships with animals are guided by compassion.
As united animal lovers, we are a truly humane society whose members care about animals and show it.
The Mission of The Humane Society of Garland County is:
- To educate the citizens of Garland County, Arkansas, in the proper humane treatment of animals, including the importance of spaying and neutering.
- To prevent all forms of cruelty to animals by every legitimate means.
- To provide a temporary refuge for stray, homeless, and deserted animals and to place such animals in good homes whenever practical.
- To receive and care for suffering animals.
- To return lost pets to their rightful owners upon reasonable proof of ownership within a period of five (5) days.
- To end the suffering in a humane manner of any animal which it is impractical to cure of its infirmities, and, in a humane manner, to euthanize any stray, homeless, or deserted animal for which it is impractical to find a proper home.
The Humane Society of Garland County Bylaws:
- Please feel free to view our bylaws.
- Please visit our Articles of Incorporation